Wednesday, January 28, 2009

My Malaysian Experiences

Welcome to my blog about my life in Malaysia, I hope you will find this blog at the very least somewhat entertaining, well you can always poke fun at it.

I would like to share with you my opinions, interpretations, thoughts and ideas about my experiences and my living in Malaysia for many years. At times life can be very hard and annoying but for most of the time it has been a wonderful home and I am sure it will continue to be. In this site you will read about many wonderful and not so wonderful meals I have tasted throughout the years as well as topics about events that have interested me

First though a disclaimer:

All comments on here are strictly my "own" point of view, or my own thoughts, some may be funny, some maybe even be offensive to others, but that is what free thinking is about, the right to think our own private thoughts and share them if we wish. At no time is any comments on this website meant to incite hurtful feelings, or to attempt to harm any person or person's own thoughts, once again these are some of my own private thoughts and I do not present them to be the accepted truth by all the public, just my own opinions that I wish to share. You may agree or disagree, that is your "own" free choice to decide. I may like red you may like purple, who is to say the other is wrong? OK, now that that has been said and out of the way, on to the more important stuff like my experiences.

So who am I and why am I in Malaysia? I am an American, well that is where I was born and grew up and I have been working overseas eve since my university years ended. I have been in Malaysia off and on since November 1999, therefore I believe I have earned the right to make assumptions and comments about life here in this wonderful country. I own property and am happily married to a wonderful Chinese woman from Malaysia.

You will find this blog to be mainly about food, well I will try to make it mostly about food, but will also use it as sort of a day to day (or not so day to day) journal of issues. You may see posts every day and then some with a week or two in between so an advance apology is given for my forgetfulness to post.


  1. How about your durian treats? First American i'd even known who is so into this the King of the fruits. Ha..ha..
    Remember to post some photos here...
    Happy Lunar New Year!

  2. Ahh yes I do love durians, I am so good at picking them out even better than some M'sian's lah. Been eating them for 10 years now and cannot get enough of them.

  3. Hi!

    I've read through your blog. I see that you live in a condo in Canning Garden but you keep three cats and a dog. Which place is this, may I ask?

  4. We actually have both a house and a condo here in CG, my wife's father's house is near by. I would really rather not give the name out on here just because for a little security reasons, I really have no idea who reads the blogs and since there are a few people out there who might decide they like something better than you do and decide to visit your place one evening when you're not at home and take it from you, I think you can understand that.

    I noticed you have a very nice blog up as well. I do hope this blog can eventually develop into something as nice as yours.

  5. Hi Michael,

    Thanks for responding! I can certainly understand about online security. One could never be too careful.

    Thanks for your compliment on my blog. :) Yours are great too.
